Earth Hour

Earth Hour is on March 29th from 8pm-9pm. All of ASU's residential areas are participating in this, so please note. This is a voluntary activity for residents on campus. Essential security and services will NOT be included.

Here is some background information on Earth Hour:

In 2007, the city of Sydney, Australia, turned off their lights for one hour to symbolize the power of collective action and how it can affect positive change for our environment. Started by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the event turned into a world-wide phenomenon. More than 2.2 million turned off their lights in Australia, sparking media coverage and raising awareness about this important issue.

This year, WWF is taking the event worldwide and Phoenix has been chosen to be one of only four U.S. Cities to participate. On the night of March 29th, the downtowns in Phoenix, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco – along with a host of cities around the globe – will turn off their lights from 8 pm to 9 pm local time. (Essential services/security will not be included)

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