In regards to coyote sightings on campus:

Please remember that coyotes are a part of our natural environment and have been here for many years. They are protected by law, so we do not try to trap or intervene in their activities unless they attack a human or cause property damage.

Do not feed any house pets outside or leave food/water out for them. This includes cat food intended for wild cats on campus. If you see a coyote you should yell and waive your arms in order to run it off. We do this so the coyote will fear us, and hopefully steer clear of human contact, which they have done thus far. The coyote will leave campus if we as a community make it hard for them to find food. Furthermore, outside feeding of any animal(s) owned or roaming free is strictly prohibited by the pet addendum of your license agreement. This means that all water and food for authorized animals must remain indoors at all times.

Lastly, animal control will not respond for a coyote unless we have it contained, or it has attacked someone. So please do not ask ASU dispatch to call them out for one running through campus. Do your best to encourage the animal to keep on going.

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