What is today?

Today is National Nothing Day, an event created by newspaperman Harold Pullman Coffin and first observed in 1973 "to provide Americans with one national day when they can just sit without celebrating, observing or honoring anything." Since 1975, though many other events have been listed on this day, lighthearted traditional observance of Coffin's idea has continued.

December Newsletter Page 4

December Newsletter Page 2 and 3

December Newsletter Page One

Day Two and Three of RA Training

Day two and three of RA training was held in one of the ballrooms at the Polytechnic campus. We learned and worked all day from morning to night on building our teams, defining our clear purpose, customer service, programming, and the list goes on and on. Here are some pictures of both days. We all really learned a lot and are excited to start out a new year with new found motivation and plenty of ideas!

RA Winter Training Kicked Off!

On Wednesday morning all of the Polytechnic RAs met together at the Housing Office to kick off our winter training. We carpooled to the Tempe Campus and attended an all-day training full of networking and a variety of learning sessions including: new program ideas, the color code, interactive bulletin boards, balancing busyness and spirituality, using the right brain, recycling and many other topics. Here are some pictures from day one of training.


Do you have any ideas for programs?
Please share with us!!
We want to know what you would like to see!